COVID-19 Guidance for the Package Delivery Workforce

OSHA is committed to protecting the health and safety of America’s workers and workplaces during these unprecedented times. The agency will be issuing a series of industry-specific alerts designed to keep workers safe.

If you are in the package delivery industry, the following tips can help reduce the risk of exposure to
the coronavirus:

 Encourage workers to stay home if they are sick.
 Establish flexible work hours (e.g., staggered shifts) where feasible.
 Practice sensible social distancing and maintain six feet between co-workers where possible.
 Minimize interaction between drivers and customers by leaving deliveries at loading docks,
doorsteps, or other locations that do not require person-to-person exposures.
 Encourage respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes.
 Promote personal hygiene. If workers do not have access to soap and water for handwashing,
provide alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60 percent alcohol. Provide tissues, as
well as disinfectants and disposable towels workers can use to clean work surfaces, including
vehicle interiors.
 Allow workers to wear masks over their nose and mouth to prevent them from spreading the virus.
 Discourage workers from using other workers’ tools and equipment.
 Use Environmental Protection Agency-approved cleaning chemicals from List N or that have label claims against the coronavirus.
 Encourage workers to report any safety and health concerns.
For more information, visit or call 1-800-321-OSHA (674


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